Why Do I Have Centipedes In My Denver, CO Home?
Centipedes are pretty easy to spot, with their many pairs of legs. Did you know that centipedes can have anywhere from 15-177 pairs of legs? Typically, a centipede's body is yellow to dark brown in color, sometimes with darker stripes or other markings, making them pretty noticeable. However, centipedes are rarely seen by humans because of their nocturnal activity and the swift speed at which they move.
While centipedes are venomous, they rarely bite and do not pose an imminent health risk to humans or pets. That said, you do not want an infestation in your Denver home, and spotting one is nearly impossible, as the only significant sign is spotting the centipedes themselves. For more tips on keeping centipedes from your home, read along.
Centipedes are pretty easy to spot, with their many pairs of legs. Did you know that centipedes can have anywhere from 15-177 pairs of legs? Typically, a centipede's body is yellow to dark brown in color, sometimes with darker stripes or other markings, making them pretty noticeable. However, centipedes are rarely seen by humans because of their nocturnal activity and the swift speed at which they move.
Why Do Centipedes Want Inside?
Centipedes are in search of high moisture areas such as piles of leaves and grass and rotting wood, and many times these things can be found in or around your home. When they breach the perimeter and enter your home, they are most commonly found in damp basements, crawlspaces, bathrooms, or potted plants.
Centipedes are hunters and are always on the lookout for prey. They will kill and eat silverfish, roaches, spiders, moths, flies, and even termites, in addition to other insects. So if you frequently find centipedes in your Denver home, it may be a sign of a bigger pest problem.
Preventing Centipedes In Your Denver Home
Because spotting an infestation of centipedes can be very tricky, preventing population growth in your home is imperative. Here are a few tips to try if you're looking to keep centipedes out of your home:
- Reduce areas of moisture in and around your home. Since centipedes are constantly searching for moisture, repair water leaks, use dehumidifiers to keep basements dry and run exhaust fans in bathrooms and attics to help eliminate excess moisture.
- Dispose of excess piles of leaves, lawn trimmings, logs, etc. from your property.
- Store firewood at least 20 feet from your home and five inches off the ground.
- Ensure that your crawl spaces, attics, and basements are properly ventilated.
- Seal holes, cracks, and gaps around the outside of your house to keep centipedes and other insect pests from getting inside. Repairing tears in screens and adding weather stripping to doors and windows also helps keep unwanted pests out.
- Other insects and spiders are a major food source for centipedes, so control other pest populations to cut off their food source.
You can do everything you can to prevent a centipede problem and still find them lurking in your home. In the end, if you're struggling to deal with centipedes, your best bet is to partner with the professionals at Advantage Pest Management.
Advantage Pest Management Is The Solution You Need For Effective Centipede Control
If you have an active centipede infestation or want to ensure one doesn't develop, there's no substitute for the pest professionals. We can identify the source of your centipede problem while eliminating centipedes and the pest prey they hunt. For professional, year-round assistance and advice, contact the pest control team at Advantage Pest Management today.